Monday, February 13, 2012

driving age

The topic that I am most interested in researching is should the legal driving age be raised to 18. Every year there are tragic car accident deaths, the leading death cause for teenagers, and I would hope that if the legal driving age were raised that many of these accidents could be avoided. A fifteen year old or sixteen year old is simply not ready to take on all of the responsibilities of driving. Even though many laws have been initiated to keep people from texting and driving or even having too many people in the car, teenagers are still loosing their lives everyday due to car accidents.  Also, even though these laws exist there is no way for police officers to catch every driver who violates them. Younger drivers are more likely to violate these laws or not take them seriously because a lot of teenagers don’t think that it can happen to them, until it is too late. Also, an issue with teens driving is the numerous amounts of accidents due to drinking and driving. Teenagers comprise the bulk of America that binge drinks and with the access to a car many will leave a party and try to drive to another one or home thinking that they are okay to drive. This not only puts the teen in a serious amount of danger, but there are simply too many stories of other people and entire families dying because of a drunk driver when they weren’t drinking themselves. Dealing with this issue, there will be two opposing sides of parents. One side will say that the driving age needs to be raised for their protection, their kid’s protection, and protection for the other kids on the road.  On the other side, many parents will argue that the driving age shouldn’t be raised because of the convenience of having a child that can drive. But, they have to take into consideration what is important here, having to leave work early or their child’s life? 

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