Sunday, February 26, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Teen Driving Age Should be Raised, Says Auto Safety Group

Article includes statements such as “the bottom line is that when we look at the research, raising the driving age saves lives” by Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety. Contains research information from New Jersey, the only state that issues license at 17. In New Jersey, various studies have been shown that the overall rate of teens killed in crashes has been consistently lower. Example one study found that crash related deaths among 16 and 7 ear old were 18 per 100,000 in New Jersey compared with 26 per 10,000 in Connecticut. The rate of crashes, fatal and nonfatal, per mile driven for 16-year-old drivers is almost 10 times the rate for drivers ages 30 to 59 according to the National Highway Safety Administration. Uses other credible sources such as Dr. Barbara Gaines, who is the trauma director at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburg.

Irvine , Martha. "Teen Driving Age Should Be Raised, Says Auto Safety Group." Huffington Post 09
Sep 2008, n. pag. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. <

Should we Raise the Legal Driving Age?

Auto accidents are the leading causes of death among teenagers. A 16 year old is almost twice as likely to die in a car crash than a 30 year old. New distractions such as cell phones while driving; therefore, if we take the most dangerous drivers off the road, we will not only save their lives but we will also make the roadways safer for everyone else. However, people argue that is age really the biggest factor to consider? If the legal age is raised to 17 wouldn’t they now just have the highest accident rate due to lack of experience? Many argue that our decision-making skills aren’t fully developed at 16. Some argue that we have to let our children go because it is a right of passage. However, people need to consider what is important.

Jones, Mike. "Should We Raise the Legal Driving Age?." Drive-Safely . n. page. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

Driving Age, Raised to 18

This website lists all of the different pros and cons of increasing the driving age. Some pros include teenage drivers are particularly dangerous. Example, they are fearless and thrill seeking, taking risks that older drivers would not do and they are more influenced by peer pressure and competitiveness. Another strong pro is that rising the driving age will mean that fewer cars will be driven. Thus, fewer vehicles (about 2%) on the road, which will benefit society as a whole. The article argues that an increase in the driving age can also help tackle obesity.

Endersby, Alastair. "Driving Age, Raised to 18."International Debate Education Association. N.p., 31Dec 2008.
         Web. 26 Feb 2012.<>.

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