Sunday, April 1, 2012


First the director uses contextualizing because he zooms out from the submarine under water. Then words appear on the screen to allow the under water scene of the boat to load. This scene using revealing because it now shows the under water boat and the submarine which was not available earlier to the audience. Again, words are put on the screen to allow transition from the boat under water to the boat sailing. Next, pointing is used because initially, the screen showed the whole front of the boat and then zoomed in on Rose and Jack. Again, words are put on the screen. Examining is used next as the director shows the audience the boat. Contextualizing is used again after the audience has seen the different components of the boat because the director pulls away and shows the entire boat instead of individual pieces. Pointing is used for around 8 seconds from different major scenes in the movie reminding the audience why they fell in love with Titanic in the first place. Words flash upon the screen again to allow the loading because the next scene is a long shot of the entire boat sailing at night.