Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thesis and Image

In modern society, many people do not acknowledge the harsh side effects of pollution because they do not see it affect their daily lives.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Three Images

This advertisement is trying to illustrate that the mac book air is as thin as paper. 

This advertisement encourages people to go off the walls a bit and enjoy life because it is too short not to have fun.

This advertisement carries a strong message. The ad discourages people from drinking and driving. This is is shown by the bottle cap from the being being indented just like your car could be become after having a drink. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


Living in the dorms, I see many different rhetorical ads every day. As I walk out of my room down the hall to get to a friends room or the elevator, there are many ads posted on the walls about different organizations to join or how to get involved. At the beginning of the year, our RA had a poster in the elevator lobby about how to make the most out of our time here at Clemson. The poster included many popular organizations here on campus such as FCA. The poster encouraged and influenced us to get out and experience different things while we are here and get out and meet new people. Another example of rhetorical impact that I experience everyday deals with TV commercials. A product such as proactiv skin wash seems to have a commercial on every TV channel and they always seem to be playing. The product tries to persuade you to believe that it is the best skin wash out there and that if you use it you will get rid of your acne.  The proactiv product compares itself to other acne washes and belittles other products stating that is the best you can get for a low price and without a prescription. Another common TV ad I see everyday deals with weight loss pills. American society is vastly consumed in the idea that to be beautiful one must be skinny; therefore, many people turn to weight loss supplements to help them get off a few extra pounds. A common weight loss pill that I hear on TV is hydroxycut. In this commercial, they use very attractive slender men and women to try and persuade the audience that if they use this product they will be able to look like the people on the commercial. These ads make people believe that how they look is not sufficient until they look like the more slender people; therefore, many people are convinced to  spend money on products that may not actually have any positive influences on their body. Everyday people all around the world are influenced by rhetoric. Many companies gain their immense success by rhetorical ads and persuasion.